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    083770 82003

Industry Ready Training


Lack of practical experience is one of the key barriers that newcomers face in their quest for a job. Our goal is to prepare students for the workforce in their field. Our training programmes are specifically created for the career advancement of students to assist them in learning about cutting-edge technologies and enhancing their abilities for food, pharma. biotechnology. pharmaceutical industry and research. 

- Professional skills development

- Non classroom Hands-on practical Learning

- Customised Curriculum

- Industry-Relevant Certification

- Upskilling and Reskilling Programs

The primary objective of the industrial training organized by allele lifesciences is to make you proficient in various latset and conventional technologies like; In-vitro Cell Culture,Flow Cytometry,Immuno Fluroecenece Assay,molecullar genetics by PCR and real timepcr,FPLC protein purification, protein analysis, amino acid analysis, immunology techniques and analytical techniques by HPLC and gas chromatography. These skills are essential for those looking to advance their careers in the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. By the end of the training, participants will have gained hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of these critical methodologies, preparing them for real-world applications in research and development.

Download Industry Ready Training Brochuretraining 

    Need of specific training for Food, Pharma,Bio-Pharma,Cosmetics Training ?

    There is no need for industry-specific training because the food, pharmaceutical, bio-pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and fragrances, forensics, and biotechnology industries all use the same equipment  The same knowledge can be used in a variety of fields.

    Understanding biological processes requires interdisciplinary research in chemistry and biology. Machines are analytical equipment that are intended to be used to analyze individual molecules in a variety of chemical and biological research domains.

    Our Cell Culture Lab -

    Bio-Saftey Cabinet, Filtartion Technology, Co2 Incubator(Thermo), Inverted Microscope with CCD Camera, Fluroscence Microscope (Olympus), Microplate Reader(thermo), Flow Cytometer (B.D Bioscience), Fluorometer, Cryo Preservation, Olympus FLU 1000 image analysis Software etc.

    Molecular Genetics Lab

    Real Time PCR ( ABI & Biorad), 5 PCR Systems with gradient ( ABI, Biorad, Eurofin and MWG Biotech), Agilent Microarray System, Gel Documentation System, Hybridization Oven (Affymatrix), Refrigerated Centrifuge ( Thermo, Remi & Eltek), Speedvac DNA Concentrator(Thermo), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Softwares etc.

    Immunology Lab

    SDS-PAGE & Western Blot Units, Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (G.E Amersham), Fluroscence Microscope (Olympus), Gel Documentation System, Microplate Reader(thermo), Flow Cytometer (B.D Bioscience), Fluorimeter, Olympus FLU 1000 image analysis Software etc.

    Protein Analysis Lab

    Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (G.E Amersham), Affinity Chromatography System ( Biorad), High Pressure Liquid Chromatography ( Thermo & Agilent , SDS-PAGE & Western Blot Units, Gel Doc, 2-D Gel Electrophoresis (GE Amersham), Spectrophotometer etc

    Analytical Testing Lab

    High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (Thermo & Agilent), Gas Chromatography (Shimadzun& Agilent), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Microplate Reader, Vaccum Rotary Evaporator (Heidolf), Dissolved Oxygen, TDS, Column and Thin Layer Chromatography etc

    Microbiology Lab:

    Vertical Laminar Air Flow (4x2x2), Horizontal Laminar Air Flow (2x2x2), B.O.D. Incubator (Julabo), Orbital Incubator Shaker(Thermo), UV Chamber, Microscope with camera(Olympus), Colony Counter, Colorimeter, Muffle Furnace, Hot Air Oven , Desiccators and Lypholizer etc

    Fields for career growth: Vaccine Research, Drug Development, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Personalized Medicine, Diagnostics Development, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    Our help We will give you access to company data and mentor you to help you advance your career.

    Employability is related to attitude, discipline and ability to be employed. Our training program covers major instruments, tools, and techniques applied to related industries and research. We do not guarantee for placement.

    You will get hands on training exposure to basics of biology and chemistry lab.

    - Lab safety, Procedures, Record Maintenance, Ethics, GMP and GLP

    - Identification & Application of Labwares

    - Handling of Liquid Nitrogen, Industrial Gases and Saftey

    - Chemical Toxicity, handling, storage of raegents, Pipetting and other basic procedures

    - Chemical Preparations, Basic Titrations, Spectrophotometry, pH etc

    - Scientific Data Handling


    Bioinformatics & Drug Designing- There are several great online tools and platforms for learning bioinformatics, depending on your level and interests like; IIT virtual Learning Platform,NCBI Bioinformatics Resources,Rosalind, EMBL-EBI, Galaxy Project, Bioconductor, You may learn drug designing by NPTEL online.

    Our Pedagogy evolve to make education more experiential, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible, and enjoyable.

    - Holistic Learning- Determination, Dedication, Discipline and Direction

    - Lab manual provides a platform for understanding the basic of experiments

    - Our technician will help you to operate instrument

    - Be a teacher oppurtunity during learning

    - Your help to other labmates will make you confident.

    - Certificate after successful completion of training



    Duration - 480 Hrs or Six Months

    Training Fee - Rs 50,000/- For All Modules

    Registration Fee - Rs 1,000/-( Non Refundable )

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    CONTACT : 
    Email::  or Whatsapp +91- 8377082003

Download the full Summer Training Brochure.