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083770 82003Genotyping Barcoding Analysis is a molecular biology technique used to identify and differentiate between individuals, populations, or species based on genetic markers. It involves the use of DNA barcodes—short, standardized genetic sequences used to identify species or groups of organisms. Here’s an overview of how the genotyping barcoding analysis works and its applications.To fingerprint (genotype), we use SSR, RAPD, SNP, RFLP, and barcoding-based approaches.
- PCR based Analysis - RAPD, SSR, ISSR
- Sequencing based analysis - SCAR marker Analysis
- Non PCR based Analysis - RFLP
- QTL Analysis
Identification of species through COI region based molecular identity . We provide ~500 bp sequence data, Phylogenetic Tree and 10 nearest neighbour information . Species Identification | | Molecular Identification Sea Food.
- Microsatelite Analysis - DNA Barcoding
- Copy Number Variation Analysis
- DNA sample identification
- Mitochondrial DNA: The most commonly used barcode for animals is the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. For plants, the rbcL or matK genes are commonly used..
After amplification, sequencing technologies (such as Sanger sequencing or next-generation sequencing, NGS) are used to determine the exact nucleotide sequence of the barcode region.
QTL Analysis (Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis) is a method used in genetics to identify the specific regions of the genome (loci) that are associated with the variation in quantitative traits.