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(+91)-120-3634639For those in the fields of biotech, pharmaceuticals, food science, chemistry, forensic science, and other applied sciences with aspirations of working in the core technological industry area, the Summer Training Programme is a practical-oriented and industrial-level hands on learning.
- Professional skills development
- Non classroom Hands-on practical Learning
- Customised Curriculum
- Industry-Relevant Certification
- Upskilling and Reskilling Programs
Join our laboratory training courses on advanced techniques like HPLC ( Analytical and Prep with PDA, Fluroscence Detectors) Gas Chromatography ( FID, TCD, FPD Detectors), Spectrometry, GE Akta Protein Purification, 2-D Electrophoresis, Fluroscence Spectrometer, Microplate Readers, Flow Cytometry, Real Time PCR, Sequencing, Microarray, Microscopy - Inverted Microscopy, Fluroscence Microscopy with CCD Imaging and various software will supercharge your career with practical and actionable knowledge.
There is no need for industry-specific training because the food, pharmaceutical, bio-pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and fragrances, forensics, and biotechnology industries all use the same equipment and methodologies. The same knowledge can be used in a variety of fields.
Instruments Used: Bio-Saftey Cabinet, Filtartion Technology, Co2 Incubator(Thermo), Inverted Microscope with CCD Camera, Fluroscence Microscope (Olympus), Microplate Reader(thermo), Flow Cytometer (B.D Bioscience), Fluorometer, Cryo Preservation, Olympus FLU 1000 image analysis Software etc.
Unit I- Isolation of Cells, In-vitro Cell Culture & Pluripotency Analysis
- Cell Culture Lab Safety, Lab Instrumentation & Basics of Cell Culture
- Microscopy & Calibration of Microscope
- Preparation of Media and Reagents for Mammalian Cell Culture
- Isolating Cells and Growing Them in Culture Media
- Check for the presence of pluripotency markers for Nanog / Sox2
Unit II- Cell Proliferation, viability, Migration, Invasion & Cytotoxicity Assay
- Determine of cell numbers, growth, and proliferation
- Cell Viability Assay
- Cell Migration and Invasion Assay
- Cell Cytotoxicity Assay
Unit III-Cell based Assay For drug screening & Flow-cytometry Analysis
- LDH- Release Cytotoxicity Assay
- Basics of Flow-cytometry & Software handling
- Apoptosis Assay by Flow Cytometry Using Annexin V Staining
- Flow Cytometry Data Analysis
Unit IV-Cytogenetics Assay by Fluorescence Microscopy
- Cell Staining Assay
- Immunofluorescence Characterization
- DNA Damage COMET Assay
- Fluorescent_in_situ_Hybridization_FISH
Employability & Application of Module:- Vaccine Research, Drug Development, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Personalized Medicine, Diagnostics Development, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Duration - 80 Hrs or Upto One Month
Training Fee - USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India) | USD 1000(Faculty outside India)
Instruments Used: Real Time PCR ( ABI & Biorad), 5 PCR Systems with gradient ( ABI, Biorad, Eurofin and MWG Biotech), Agilent Microarray System, Gel Documentation System, Hybridization Oven (Affymatrix), Refrigerated Centrifuge ( Thermo, Remi & Eltek), Speedvac DNA Concentrator(Thermo), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Softwares etc.
Unit I- Nucleic Acid Extraction (DNA & RNA)
- DNA Extraction from any tissue/culture
- Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis of DNA
- RNA Extraction & Optimisation
- Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis of RNA
Unit II- mRNA Purification and cDNA Synthesis, Qualitative RT-PCR
- RNA Extraction and mRNA Purification
- First Standard cDNA Synthesis
- Optimisation of PCR Reaction and PCR run
- Qualitative RT- PCR sample run & Analysis
Unit III- Primer Design, Molecular Diagnostics, SNP Detection and Multiplexing
- PCR run for Molecular Diagnostics
- Analysis of food samples by PCR Multiplexing
- SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) Detection
- PCR for DNA Barcoding Analysis
Unit IV-Real Time PCR Assay & Basics of Microarray Technology
- RNA Extraction and First Standard cDNA Synthesis
- Primer Design for Real Time PCR, Basics of Q-PCR
- Real Time PCR run with SYBR Green Assay
- Real Time PCR Data Analysis & Basics of microarray
Employability & Application of Module:- Molecular Diagnostics, Food Industry, Testing lab, Biopharmaceutical Industry, Gene Therapy, Vaccine Research, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Food Product Testing, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Duration - 80 Hrs or Upto One Month
Course Fee -USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India) | USD 1000(Faculty outside India)
Instruments Used: SDS-PAGE & Western Blot Units, Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (G.E Amersham), Fluroscence Microscope (Olympus), Gel Documentation System, Microplate Reader(thermo), Flow Cytometer (B.D Bioscience), Fluorimeter, Olympus FLU 1000 image analysis Software etc.
Unit I- Extraction and Purification of Antibodies- IgG extraction & Affinity Purification
- Large-scale separation method of IgG
- Separation of Immunoglobulins by DEAE Chromatography
- Single Radial Immuno Diffusion Analysis
- Counter Current Immunoelectrophoresis
Unit II- Enzyme immunoassays, Western Blot Assays
- Enzyme Linked Immuno Assay for Diagnostics
- Indirect ELISA
- Immunoprecipitation Assay
- Western Blot Analysis
Unit III- Tagging of antibody, Quantification, IgG Conjugation and Immunoprecipitation
- Label IgG with a fluorescent green marker(FITC)
- Quantification of fluorescent dye bound to IgG
- IgG Conjugation with FITC
- Immunoprecipitation Assay
Unit IV- Flow-Cytometry and Immunofluorescence Assay
- Intracellular cytokine staining
- Sample run by Flow Cytometry and Data Analysis
- Immunofluorescence Staining for Immunotyping
- Fluroscence Microscopy and Data Analysis
Employability & Application of Module:- Molecular Diagnostics, Food Industry, Testing lab, Biopharmaceutical Industry, Gene Therapy, Vaccine Research, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Food Product Testing, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Duration - 80 Hrs or Upto One Month
Course Fee - USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India) | USD 1000(Faculty outside India)
Instruments Used: Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (G.E Amersham), Affinity Chromatography System ( Biorad), High Pressure Liquid Chromatography ( Thermo & Agilent , SDS-PAGE & Western Blot Units, Gel Doc, 2-D Gel Electrophoresis (GE Amersham), Spectrophotometer etc
Unit I- Protein Extraction and Analysis
- Protein Extraction from Cultured Cell
- Quantification of Protein - Bradford / lawry's Method
- Analysis of Protein by SDS-PAGE
- Densitometric analysis of proteins
Unit II- Partial Purification and Dialysis
- Acid Base Equilibrium, pH, Buffer System, Charge, pI and pKa Value and Reagent Preparation
- Ammonium sulfate precipitation Assay
- Estimation of Protein after Ammonium sulfate precipitation
- Dialysis or Desalting of Protein Sample
Unit III- Protein Purification by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography
- Preparation for Protein Purification Strategies
- Purification of Protein by Size Exclusion Chromatography
- Affinity Chromatography Purification
- Protein Purification by Ion Exchange Chromatography
Unit IV-Protein and Amino Acid Analysis
- Analysis of Protein by SDS-PAGE & Western Blot
- Western Blot Data Analysis
- Separation & Detection of Amino Acids by HPLC
- Amino Acid Quantification Data Analysis
Employability & Application of Module:- Molecular Diagnostics, Food Industry, Testing lab, Biopharmaceutical Industry, Gene Therapy, Vaccine Research, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Food Product Testing, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Duration - 80 Hrs or Upto One Month
Course Fee - USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India) | USD 1000(Faculty outside India)
Instruments Used: High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (Thermo & Agilent), Gas Chromatography (Shimadzun& Agilent), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Microplate Reader, Vaccum Rotary Evaporator (Heidolf), Dissolved Oxygen, TDS, Column and Thin Layer Chromatography etc. etc
Unit I- Basic Analytical Procedures & Techniques
- Qualitative analysis of Protein, Carbohydrade, Starch, Fat, Secondry metabolites and Aspirin
- Quantitative Analysis of Aspirin, Carbohydrade (Food Sample) and Phenols(Herbal)
- Quantitative analysis of spiked drug from gastric lavage (Forensics)
- Chromatography Procedures - Column Chromatography & TLC
Unit II- Analysis of Finished Products - Pharma / Food / Cosmetics
- Analysis of TDS and Nitrogen Potentiometric Analysis
- Viscosity, Refractive Index determination and Moisture content analysis
- Partition Coefficient of Benzoic acid between benzene & water
- Total Titratable Acidity & Determination of peroxide value
Unit III- Sample Preparation and basics of HPLC & Gas Chromatography
- Basics of High Performance Liquid Chromatography & Gas Chromatography
- HPLC and Gas Chromatography Software & Its application
- Sample Preparation Technologies for HPLC - SPME, Purification, Derivitisation etc.
- Sample Preparation for Gas Chromatography
Unit IV-Sample run and Analysis by HPLC & GC
- Sample run by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Data Analysis of HPLC
- Sample run by Gas Chromatography
- Data Analysis of Gas Chromatography
Employability & Application of Module:- Molecular Diagnostics, Food Industry, Testing lab, Biopharmaceutical Industry, Gene Therapy, Vaccine Research, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Food Product Testing, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Duration - 80 Hrs or Upto One Month
Course Fee -USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India) | USD 1000(Faculty outside India)
Instruments Used: Vertical Laminar Air Flow (4x2x2), Horizontal Laminar Air Flow (2x2x2), B.O.D. Incubator (Julabo), Orbital Incubator Shaker(Thermo), UV Chamber, Microscope with camera(Olympus), Colony Counter, Colorimeter, Muffle Furnace, Hot Air Oven , Desiccators and Lypholizer etc
Unit I- Isolation & Enumeration of Microorganism
- Sterilisation Techniques , Reagent Preparation, Buffers, Acid-Base Equilibrium
- Aseptic Technique and the Transfer of Microorganisms
- Streak Plate Method
- Selective and Differential Media for Identifying Microorganisms
Unit II- Bio-Chemical Characterisation For Preliminary Screening
- Bacterial Growth Curve by Microplate Reader
- Differential and Cytological Staining Techniques
- Motility Test of Microorganism
- MIsolation and Identification of Two Bacterial Unknowns
Unit III- Antimicrobial Susceptibility & Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- MIC determination
- In vitro Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
- Isolation and Identification of Auxotrophic and Drug Resistant Mutants
- Protease & Carbapenemase production test
Unit IV- Microbial Analysis by PCR Technology
- DNA Extraction of microbial isolates
- Amplification of 16s gene with PCR technology
- Amplification of Anti Microbial Resistant gene
- DNA Sequencing Data Analysis
Employability & Application of Module:- Molecular Diagnostics, Food Industry, Testing lab, Biopharmaceutical Industry, Gene Therapy, Vaccine Research, Cancer Research, Toxicology Analysis, Food Product Testing, Cosmetics and Consumer Products Analysis, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Duration - 80 Hrs or Upto One Month
Course Fee - USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India) | USD 1000(Faculty outside India)
You will get hands on training exposure to basics of biology and chemistry lab.
- Lab safety, Procedures, Record Maintenance, Ethics, GMP and GLP
- Identification & Application of Labwares
- Handling of Liquid Nitrogen, Industrial Gases and Saftey
- Chemical Toxicity, handling, storage of raegents, Pipetting and other basic procedures
- Chemical Preparations, Basic Titrations, Spectrophotometry, pH etc
- Scientific Data Handling
Bioinformatics & Drug Designing- There are several great online tools and platforms for learning bioinformatics, depending on your level and interests like; IIT virtual Learning Platform,NCBI Bioinformatics Resources,Rosalind, EMBL-EBI, Galaxy Project, Bioconductor, You may learn drug designing by NPTEL online.
Our Pedagogy evolve to make education more experiential, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible, and enjoyable.
- Holistic Learning- Determination, Dedication, Discipline and Direction
- Lab manual provides a platform for understanding the basic of experiments
- Our technician will help you to operate instrument
- Be a teacher oppurtunity during learning
- Your help to other labmates will make you confident.
- Certificate after successful completion of training
VISA - Candidate will be responsible for VISA.
Accomodation - We do not have any accomodation in our premises.You may take help of online platforms for accomodation.
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