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Nucleic Acid Extarction

High-quality nucleic acids must be extracted from biological sources before any additional research can be done. We specialize in providing a wide selection of affordable, user-friendly extraction kits for this purpose..

  • DNA Extraction Kit
  • RNA Extraction Kit
  • Columns for Nucleic Acid Purification
  • RNA Extraction Buffer
  • Plasmid Purification
  • Total Nucleic Acid Purification

    • The order can be submitted through E-mail. We will expedite your order if you can provide the following information:

      - Name of Customer:
      - Email and telephone
      - Institution or company name with
      - GST number
      - Shipping and billing addresses
      - Purchase order number
      - Product Name
      - CAS No ( if available)
      - Quantity

      The items' source and availability determine the delivery time. Fast-moving items can be delivered in two to three days because they are typically in stock. Other items are imported, ordered according to specifications, and typically arrive in 8–18 days. Some goods may have longer wait times since they are occasionally backordered from the producers. When you place your order, we will let you know the precise delivery time.

      We accept the payment through Cheque/NEFT/RTGS or deposit Cash in State Bank of India.
      Terms of payment are to be agreed prior to order placement.

      - Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR product

      - Restriction digestion of DNA, Ligation of DNA, electrophoresis of digested and ligated DNA

      - Preparation of competent cells, Transformation of plasmid DNA into competent cells

      - Plating of transformed cells on LB Agar plates, Plasmid DNA isolation

      - Plasmid DNA agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA extraction from agarose gel

      - Colony PCR run and Data Analysis

      PCR have wide applications in life science,metagenomics, food genetics, forensic DNA analysis etc. Note- We perform PCR with different primers as per our requirement like; Gradient - For optimisation of annealing temprature, Nested PCR - PCR of PCR products with different primer, Multiplexing - PCR with multiple primers, ARMS PCR SNP Analysis,16s, 23s , ITS, species identification, Plant Biotechnology- GMO Crops, Molecular Maker - DNA Fingerprint with SSR, RAPD, RFLP etc.

      Module Fee -Rs 5000/-(Indian Citizen) & $100 (Foreign National)

      Module Fee -Rs 5000/-(Indian Citizen) & $100 (Foreign National)


      CONTACT : 
      Email: or Whatsapp +91- 8377082003

Kindly download the full product catalogue.