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Ph.D Support


Choosing the right lab to conduct your experiment could have a big impact on your PhD study, which is a journey of discovery. We are proud to offer the best PhD research lab in the area, where innovative thinking and state-of-the-art technology coexist..

-  Customized Support for Diverse Research Projects
-  Exploring the Depths of sciences
- Expert Guidance
- Cutting-EdgeTechnologies
In-vitro Lab Facility

Bio-Saftey Cabinet, Filtartion Technology, Co2 Incubator(Thermo), Inverted Microscope with CCD Camera, Fluroscence Microscope (Olympus), Microplate Reader(thermo), Flow Cytometer (B.D Bioscience), Fluorometer, Cryo Preservation Facility, Olympus FLU 1000 image analysis Software, Shaker, Cenrifuges  etc..

Genomics Lab Facility

Real Time PCR ( ABI & Biorad), 5 PCR Systems with gradient ( ABI, Biorad, Eurofin and MWG Biotech), Agilent Microarray System, Gel Documentation System, Hybridization Oven (Affymatrix), Refrigerated Centrifuge ( Thermo, Remi & Eltek), Speedvac DNA Concentrator(Thermo), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Softwares etc....

Protein Lab Facility

Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (G.E Amersham), Affinity Chromatography System ( Biorad), High Pressure Liquid Chromatography ( Thermo & Agilent , SDS-PAGE & Western Blot Units, Gel Doc, 2-D Gel Electrophoresis (GE Amersham), Spectrophotometer etc.

Analytical Testing Lab

GC-MS-MS (Agilent Technologies), High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (Thermo & Agilent), Gas Chromatography (Shimadzun& Agilent), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Microplate Reader, Vaccum Rotary Evaporator (Heidolf), Dissolved Oxygen, TDS, Column and Thin Layer Chromatography etc. etc.

Microbiology Lab

Vertical Laminar Air Flow (4x2x2), Horizontal Laminar Air Flow (2x2x2), B.O.D. Incubator (Julabo), Orbital Incubator Shaker(Thermo), UV Chamber, Microscope with camera(Olympus), Colony Counter, Colorimeter, Muffle Furnace, Hot Air Oven , Desiccators and Lypholizer etc.

Our Lab Services

Molecular Biology Services

Protein Biology Services

In-vitro analysis Services

Analytical Testing  Services,

Microbiology Services

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