Contract Research Lab|Research Product|Product Testing

  • MON - FRI (9AM - 5PM)

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Project Research


Project-based research are powerful pedagogies in improving science education. The objective of this project is to provide you with the opportunity to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills, collaboration, and problem solving skills in the context of content-based knowledge that influences comprehension and academic self confidence. 

  • Choose a problem to solve under our guidance
  • Conduct a literature search
  • Develop a hypothesis & Write a research proposal
  • Generate scientific data and analyse

    • Join our laboratory training courses on advanced techniques like HPLC ( Analytical and Prep with PDA, Fluroscence Detectors) Gas Chromatography ( FID, TCD, FPD Detectors), Spectrometry, GE Akta Protein Purification, 2-D Electrophoresis, Fluroscence Spectrometer, Microplate Readers, Flow Cytometry, Real Time PCR, Sequencing, Microarray, Microscopy Inverted Microscopy, Fluroscence Microscopy with CCD Imaging and various software will supercharge your career with practical and actionable knowledge..


      There is no need for industry-specific training because the food, pharmaceutical, bio-pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and fragrances, forensics, and biotechnology industries all use the same equipment and methodologies. The same knowledge can be used in a variety of fields.

      The doctor, academicians, and researchers are humanistic scientist. This calls for the capacity for critical thought, literature evaluation, proper assimilation of new information, and lifelong learning. Research papers are an excellent platform to disseminate a novel finding to a general or focused audience, which may be interested in replicating the experiments and identifying novel applications.

      Our Services

      - Project work designing

      - Experiments in our Lab

      - Data Analysis

      - Research Paper Writing

      - Paper Publication


      Services Charges - Each project has a different investment in lab work. We will evaluate the project, and the cost will be decided.

      OUR PEDAGOGY FOR PROJECT RESEARCH WORK : Choosing a thesis or training lab and a mentor may be the toughest problem that you will ever face, but it is an important one, and you will want to get it right the first time. A good place to start your search for the ideal lab is to consider what the goals and purpose of doing a thesis or training .

      - Choose a problem to solve.

      - Conduct a literature search

      - Write a research proposal

      - Conduct the experiment you proposed in your proposal

      - RT-PCR run and Data Analysis



      - Medical & Bio-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

      - Industrial Biotechnology

      - Animal Biotechnology

      - Marine Biotechnology

      - Environmental Biotechnology

      - Analytical Chemistry

      - Industrial Biotechnology

      - Natural Product Chemistry/Pharmacognosy

      - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

      - Food Science

      - Forensic Science


      Duration -We allow mimimum of three months and maximum of six months

      Fee per Month- INR 10,000/-(Indian Citizen) & USD 200 (Foreign Student Study in India)


      Our Pedagogy evolve to make education more experiential, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible, and enjoyable.

      - Holistic Learning- Determination, Dedication, Discipline and Direction

      - Lab manual provides a platform for understanding the basic of experiments

      - Our technician will help you to operate instrument

      - Be a teacher oppurtunity during learning

      - Your help to other labmates will make you confident.

      - Certificate after successful completion of training

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      CONTACT : 
      Email::  or Whatsapp +91- 8377082003

Kindly download the full training catalogue.