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08377082003Real-Time PCR (qPCR) is a highly sensitive, specific, and rapid method for detecting and quantifying nucleic acids. Its applications extend across healthcare, agriculture, forensics, environmental science, and research, making it an essential tool in modern molecular biology..
Real Time PCR Workshop Details
- DNA & RNA Extraction and First strand cDNA synthesis
- Amplification & Optimisation of DNA by PCR reaction
- Gel Docking and Data Analysis of amplified Product
- Real Time PCR Sample run
- Real Time PCR Data Analysis
A hands-on approach immerses students in the subject matter. Working with real equipment allows them to use all of their senses, making the learning process more engaging and memorable. People are better able to understand difficult ideas and remember information
Benefits of Attending a Workshopis
- Skill Enhancenent with Hands on Learning
- Certification for career growth
- Networking with industry professionals
- Open Throughout the year after registartion(Minimum 5 candidates)
- Exposure to the latest biotech tools & trends,
Instruments- Real Time PCR ( ABI & Biorad), 5 PCR Systems with gradient ( ABI, Biorad, Eurofin and MWG Biotech), Gel Documentation System, Refrigerated Centrifuge ( Thermo, Remi & Eltek), Speedvac DNA Concentrator(Thermo), Spectrophotometer (Thermo), Softwares etc.
Young Academicians
Students and Researchers
Industry Professionals
Duration - Five Days / Two Weekends / 20 Hrs
Module Fee - Rs 5000/-(Indian Citizen)
Registration - Although the workshop is open throughout the year, registration 15 days in advance is required to allocate a slot.